Forecasts, investments and analysis of leading contractors

Power and industrial construction in Poland 2024-2029


 The report presents an analysis of 80 construction companies which specialise in the construction of industrial complexes (coal- and gas-fired power generation units, waste incinerators, CHP plants, boiler rooms, de-dusting units, desulphurisation units, denitrification units, chemical units, petrochemical units, gas units, metallurgical units,coke units, production units, cement units, transformer stations, transformer/switchingstations), projects involving renewable energy sources (wind farms, photovoltaic farms,biogas plants, hydropower plants), transmission networks (power lines, gas pipelines,heating networks etc.), and associated work involving industrial instruments, and controland measurement devices.

From a formal point of view, the largest power and industrial companies operating inPoland do not constitute a homogenous group as they are classified under around 10diverse sections of the Polish Classification of Business Activities (PKD). However, inpractice, all the companies covered in the report fulfil a similar role in the economy: theycarry out contracts in one of the specialist industries listed above.We estimate that in terms of number, the 80 companies account for around 90% of thepower and industrial construction market in Poland.Market forecasts and a list of 170 ongoing and planned projects constitute vital parts ofthe report.


When developing the forecasts for power and industrial construction, the following datawas taken into account:

  • the value and growth change in construction and assembly output generated by the segment of industrial structures and transmission networks in the recent years
  • distribution of capital expenditure stipulated in the government-led scheme Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040
  • capex plans of the major project owners (PGE, Tauron, Enea, Orlen, Energa, Lotos, PGNiG, PSE, Gaz-System, KGHM) and their budgets for the coming years
  • local authorities’ plans regarding heating infrastructure
  • the number of tender procedures announced and power and industrialconstruction contracts awarded
  • change in order books of the leading power and industrial construction contractors
  • an analysis of the top 170 projects underway and planned.

Importantly, the report also includes a comparative analysis of 80 power and industrial construction companies and a section of detailed profiles of the top 40 construction firms.

Every profile presents the following information:

  • Company overview and market strategy (description)
  • Major completed and ongoing contracts (key contract parameters)
  • Sales revenue (total sales revenue, revenue from industrial and power sector)
  • Total headcount
  • Revenue per employee
  • Net profit/loss
  • Net sales margin
  • Workforce productivity ratio
  • Sales structure (industrial and power construction and other business activities)
  • Geographical sales structure (domestic sales, exports)
  • Headcount by employee type (blue collar, white collar)
  • Shares of main costs by type compared against market average.

The report is supplemented with a database comprising 80 industrial and power construction companies featuring data on revenue, profit margins, and headcount.

What you can find in the report:

  • Historical data and development forecasts for the next five years
  • SWOT analysis for the industrial and power construction market in Poland
  • A list of 170 ongoing and planned industrial and power projects
  • Regional structure of the market
  • A comparative analysis of 80 industrial and power construction companies
  • Detailed profiles of top 40 construction companies
  • Revenue structure reported by the companies (domestic sales, exports)
  • Profitability reported by construction companies.

What companies are covered in the report?

The report reviews top 80 contractors, starting from Polimex-Mostostal, the market leader, through to companies reporting revenue of up to PLN 100m. Companies covered in the report include: Polimex-Mostostal, Zarmen, Control Process, GE Power, Electrum, Introl, Columbus Energy, Enprom, Elektrotim, Rafako, SPIE Elbud Gdańsk, SBB Energy, Hymon Fotowoltaika, Elektropaks, Flexipower Group, Sunday Polska, PAK Serwis, Elfeko, Elbud Warszawa, Esoleo, Elemont, NDI Energy, E.ON Foton, Uniserv, Omis, CJR Polska.



The report will be particularly useful when:

  • Analysing trends in the sector
  • Developing a long-term strategy
  • Expanding in the industrial and power construction sector
  • Looking for new business partners
  • Examining how your company performs relative to its peers
  • Estimating market shares
  • Identifying potential targets for acquisition or cooperation
  • Calculating the consumption of selected materials or semi-finished goods.








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